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Mirchi 2013 Telugu BRRip 480p 450mb Esub





MoVie InFoIMDb
IMDB rating: 6.9/10
Genre: Action, Drama
Size: 430mb
Language: Telugu  
QUALITY 480p-BRRip                  
Directed by: Koratalla Siva
Starring:Prabhas, Anushka Shetty, Richa Gangopadhyay
Movie Name : Mirchi 2013 Telugu BRRip 480p 450mb Esub

Story…The movie begins with Jai bharath varma (Prabhas) practicing guitar when a girl runs to him and asks him to save her from a gang of goons chasing her. Then Jay, without fighting, resolves the conflict. The girl introduces herself as Manasa (Richa Gangopadhyay). They slowly become friends. But one day she asks Jai to leave her and go as she cannot stand the separation from him if their relationship develops any further. He then goes back to India and changes the mind of Manasa’s brother and when they give a vacation he goes with him to his village. There, where everyone are conservative in nature, he changes their nature and makes them more lovable.

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Mirchi 2013 Telugu BRRip 480p 450mb Esub

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  1. Zee bro plz uplod hindi audio

  2. Admin sir please upload mirchi movie in hindi

  3. Admin sir please upload Anjaan and Kathhi 2014 with Esub. From last 6 months im requesting you but ur nt uploding but for others your doing it quickly. Why?

  4. Admin Sir please upload Tamil Films Anjaan 2014 and Kathhi 2014 with ESub. From last 6 months Im requesting u. Please Fulfill it this time without fail

  5. Sheetal D'mello

    Admin Sir please upload Tamil Films Anjaan 2014 and Kathhi 2014 with ESub. From last 6 months Im requesting u. Im anxiously waiting Please Fulfill it this time without fail

  6. plz upload this movie in hindi dubbed

  7. @ZEE bro pls mirchi movie upload hindi dubbed 480p…

  8. please upload in hindi dubbed…i can’t understand telugu language !!! you uploaded only old movies in hindi dubbed…but i need new movies in hindi

  9. zee bro. pls upload hindi audio

  10. Plsss upload komban (2015) Tamil movie with esub

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