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Aankhen 2002 Hindi DVDrip 480p 350mb

MoVie InFo : IMDB
IMDB rating: 7.6/10 from 5,066 users

Genre: Comedy, Thriller, Crime
Size: 390mb MB

Language:  HINDI

Directed by:  Vipul Amrutlal Shah
Starring: Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Sushmita Sen

STORY….Vijay Singh Rajput (Amitabh Bachchan) is a quirky manager of Vilasrao Jefferson Bank. He is extremely strict at work and believes in pushing his workers to the limit. This means that his superiors hold him in high regard for his unblemished reputation and excellent track record. But things go terribly wrong for the honest bank manager when he finds one of his own employees trying to con the customers. At this, he loses his temper and gets physical with the employee. This doesn’t go down well with his superiors and they decide that Rajput is now a liability to the bank and they sack him. Amitabh can’t believe the Board of Directors and his mind is filled with revenge and what better revenge than robbing the bank himself, ironic as it may sound. He decides that he must think of a plan that will hit the bank where it hurts the most – in its safe where all the money is kept. Rajput blackmails Neha (Sushmita Sen) to use her professional skills to help his plan, to train three blind men to …

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Aankhen 2002 Hindi DVDrip 480p 350mb


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