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Banjo 2016 Hindi HDTV Rip 480p 350mb

Banjo 2016 Hindi HDTV Rip 480p 350mb , Bollywood movie hindi movie Banjo 2016 Hindi 480P bluray 300MB Hindi 480p WEBRip 400MB movie 480p dvd rip web rip hdrip 480p free download or watch online at

Banjo 2016 Hindi HDTV Rip 480p 350mb

MoVie InFo IMDb
IMDB rating: 5.4/10 453
Genre:Action, Drama, Musical
Size: 370mb
Language:  HINDI 
QUALITY : 480P WEB-HD x264

Director:   Ravi Jadhav
Stars:   Poornima Ahire, Riteish Deshmukh, Nargis Fakhri

Movie Name : Banjo 2016 Hindi HDTV Rip 480p 350mb


Story…..Mickey a sound Recordist records a tune during Mumbai Ganpati festival and sends it to her friend Chritina in the US, Christina comes to Mumbai in search of the band.Christina along with Mickey audition many band but they don’t find the band which originally played the tune.Taraat who extorts money for local politician had played the tune with his band for the festive season he is given a job of showing Chritina the whole Mumbai but doesn’t disclose him self of being a Banjo player as he feels that as a Banjo player he and his band haven received the required respect

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