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Dhaal 1997 Hindi 480p WEB HDRip 400mb

Dhaal 1997 Hindi 480p WEB HDRip 400mb Bollywood movie hindi movie Dhaal 1997 movie 480p dvd rip 300mb web rip hdrip 480p free download or watch online at

Dhaal 1997 Hindi 480p WEB HDRip 400mb
MoVie InFo : IMDb
IMDB rating: 5.3/10 39

Genre:  Action
Size: 420MB
Language: Hindi
QUALITY : 480p WEB HDRIp x264

Director:  Sameer Malkan
Stars: Vinod Khanna, Sunil Shetty, Gautami

Story….Inspector Varun Saxena successfully apprehends Pilot Baba’s son for running over and killing a fellow police inspector by the name of Deodhar. But Pilot’s cunning advocate, Indrajit Diwan, has his son proved innocence, and set free. When Varun confides of his frustrations with his garage-mechanic friend, Suraj, he decides to study law and assist Varun. But when Suraj is arrested by Varun for attempting to rape Mrs. Deodhar, their friendship ends, and Suraj is sentenced to several years in prison. And then Mrs. Deodhar is killed and the evidence points to Varun, who is also arrested, charged and imprisoned in the same prison as Varun, who cannot wait to avenge his humiliation. And this time there are no rules – whatsoever.

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