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Dil Sala Sanki 2016 Hindi 720p WEB HDRip 800mb

Dil Sala Sanki 2016 Hindi 720p WEB HDRip 800mb Bollywood movie hindi movie Dil Sala Sanki 2016 movie 720p dvd rip web rip hdrip 720p free download or watch online at


Dil Sala Sanki 2016 Hindi 720p WEB HDRip 800mb
MoVie InFo IMDb
IMDB rating:  N/A
Genre: Romance
Size: 830mb
Language: HINDI
Directed by: Sushikailash
Starring: Shagufta Ali, Hrishitaa Bhatt, Avtar Gill

Story….Ever since Badal was an eight year old, he’s been in love with violence. As a role model, he chooses the local mafia leader Bachcha Babu. As he grows up, Badal’s passion for becoming like Bachcha Babu increases. One day, by chance, he gets the opportunity to join Baccha Babu’s gang. He meets a girl called Megha and falls head over heels for her at first sight. However, she wants nothing to do with him. Megha’s father, Sharmaji, who is a government school teacher, finds out that Badal is bothering Megha. With the help of his journalist friend, he goes to Bachcha Babu and tells him that Badal is creating trouble in his daughter’s life. Bachcha Babu assures the journalist that from now on Badal will not disturb Megha and her family. In the course of events Bachcha Babu bumps into Megha and finds that he wants her for himself – at any cost. Bachcha Babu goes to the extent of killing his own wife to marry Megha.When Badal comes to know that Bachcha Babu is so crazy about Megha that he has

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