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Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 Hindi Dubbed WEBRip 480p 400mb

Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 Hindi Dubbed WEBRip 480p 400mb hollywood movie Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 hindi dubbed dual audio 480p brrip bluray compressed small size 300mb free download or watch online at

Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 Hindi Dubbed WEBRip 480p 400mb
MoVie InFo : IMDb
IMDB rating:  7.2/10 670 Users

Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Size: 400mb
Language: HINDI

Director:  Santhosh Ananddram
Stars:   Yash, Radhika Pandit, Achyuth Kumar

Movie Name : Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 Hindi Dubbed WEBRip 480p 400mb


Story…. The movie is about a hot-headed guy Ramachari, who becomes a fan of Vishnuvardhan’s Ramachari from Nagarahaavu after seeing the same consequences they went through. He goes to an extent to get Vishnu’s Ramachari tattooed on his chest. Due to his waywardness, his relationship with his father will be spoiled to an extent where the father and son cant stand each other. Ramachari’s father prefers his elder son Hari, who is docile and studious. He hardly goes to college and mostly hangs out with his friends Dattu and Chikkappa, this becoming reason for resentment of Dattu’s mom. On one of his rare visits to college, he encounters Divya who is being ragged and its love at first sight for Ramachari.

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Mr & Mrs Ramachari 2016 Hindi Dubbed WEBRip 480p 400mb

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