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Risen 2016 English 480P BrRip 300MB ESub

Risen 2016 English 480P BrRip 300MB ESub, RISEN ENGLISH MOVIE 2006 BLURAY BRRIP 480P compressed small size 300MB FREE DOWNLOAG OR WATCH ONLINE AT WORLD4UFREE.PW
Risen 2016 English 480P BrRip 300MB ESub
MoVie InFoIMDb
IMDB rating: 6.5/10 

Genre:  Action, Adventure, Drama
Size: 310mb
Language: English  
QUALITY : 480P BrRip
Including English Subtitles: Yes
Directed by: Kevin Reynolds
Starring: Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, Peter Firth

Story…Follows the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius, a powerful Roman Military Tribune, and his aide Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Yahshua in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem. Risen is a well done action movie with strong writing of an old story in a fresh new way. Please don’t waste your time picking apart the theology. All direct quotes from the Bible were accurate and powerfully depicted. It is a FICTIONAL account through the eyes of Pontius Pilate’s right hand man (Roman tribune) Clavis. No, Jesus and the disciples did not hang out with a Roman after the resurrection. We all know that. It deviates from the Biblical story to show a different point of view and they do it graphically and with a great connection to the audience.

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Risen 2016 English 480P BrRip 300MB ESub, RISEN ENGLISH MOVIE 2006 BLURAY BRRIP 480P compressed small size 300MB FREE DOWNLOAG OR WATCH ONLINE AT WORLD4UFREE.PW


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