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The Plague 2006 Dual Audio 720p HDRip 1Gb

The Plague 2006 Dual Audio 720p HDRip 1Gb, hollywood movie The Plague 2006 hindi dubbed dual audio hindi english languages original audio 720p BRRip hdrip free download 700mb or watch online at

The Plague 2006 Dual Audio 720p HDRip 1Gb
MoVie InFoIMDb
IMDB rating: 8.6/10
Genre: Horror
Size: 1024mb
Language: HINDI  – English
QUALITY : 720p HDRip                
Directed by:  Hal Masonberg
Starring: James Van Der Beek, Ivana Milicevic, Brad Hunt
Movie Name : The Plague 2006 Dual Audio 720p HDRip 1Gb

Story….In 1983 all children aged nine years or less fall into a coma at the same time. The children remain in the coma for the next 10 years and all children born during this time are born into the same state. Ten years later Tom Russel, who was imprisoned after killing a man in a fight, is released from prison and returns to his home town where his older brother has a son in a coma. That night all the children wake up but they are hellbent on killing all the adults. It soon becomes apparent that the children share a sort of collective consciousness and as one learns they all learn. As they get smarter they learn to disable motor vehicles and eventually to use firearms. A group of survivors, led by Tom and Jean, try to escape to the safety of a base located 60 km outside the town.

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The Plague 2006 Dual Audio 720p HDRip 1Gb


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